Chairpersons: Grzegorz Świt, Minh Chinh Luong Milan Sokol - Digital Twins of Bridges as Bases for Maintenance Management (keynote)
Wiktor Wciślik - Selected Aspects of the GPR Application in the Diagnostics of Reinforced Concrete Structures
Paweł Tworzewski, Kamil Bacharz - Methods of preventing debonding of composite materials used for strengthening using the NSM method
13:00 - 14:00
14:00 - 15:00
3rd Session. Numerical simulations
Chairpersons: Jerzy Szlendak, Katarzyna Kubicka Ryszard Walentyński - Analysis of Structure Aided with Computational Intelligence
Grzegorz Świt, Michał Szczecina - Numerical study of reinforcing pad geometry of pressure vessels
Bartłomiej Błachowski, Piotr Tauzowski - Computational framework for topology optimization under stress and stability constraints
Andrzej Winnicki, Michał Szczecina - Numerical recreation of gap test
15:00 - 15:30
Coffee break
15:30 - 16:30
4th Session. Reinforcement of Structures
Chairpersons: Barbara Goszczyńska, Bartłomiej Błachowski Prezentacja Accen - Montaż zabezpieczeń przed upadkiem z wysokości do konstrukcji budowlanych na przykładzie systemu Hybrydline
Jacek Szafran, Klaudia Juszczyk-Andraszczyk, Paulina Kaszubska - Structural retrofittings - easy job or pain in the neck?
Justyna Dygas - Structural analysis of solid timber beams reinforced with basalt bars
Michał Bakalarz - Strengthening of timber beams with carbon fibre reinforced polymer sheets
16:30 - 17:00
Coffee break
Gala Dinner
09:00 - 10:30
5th Session. Domes & Tensegrity Structures
Chairpersons: Jacek Szafran, Michał Szczecina Dominika Bysiec, Tomasz Maleska - Behavior of Geodesic Domes Under Seismic Excitations
Urszula Radoń, Urszula Pawlak, Waldemar Szaniec, Paweł Zabojszcza - Comparison of dynamic response to wind action of a single-layer Schwedler and geodesic dome
Paulina Obara, Maryna Solovei - Influence of the initial prestress level on unstable regions of Levy domes
Andrzej Rutkiewicz - Prestressing of the non-minimal tensegrity triplex
Agnieszka Dudzik, Beata Potrzeszcz-Sut - Case study of the quantitative reliability index for spatial truss domes
10:30 - 11:00
Coffee Break
11:00 - 12:30
6th Session. Thermal analysis
Chairpersons: Mariusz Maślak, Andrzej Winnicki Nuno Lopes, Paulo Vila Real - Modelling of the behaviour of stainless steel members and structures under fire (keynote)
Katarzyna Kubicka - The initial assessment of fire safety of plane steel frame according to system reliability analysis
Artur Miszczuk - Assessing Thermal Comfort in Residential Buildings: A Case Study of South Australian Cities
12:30 - 13:30
14:00 - 18:00
Conference trip - Museum of Nature and Technology "Ecomuseum" named after Jan Pazdur in Starachowice
Grill Supper
09:00 - 10:00
7th Session. Concrete Structures & Geotechnics
Chairpersons: Monika Siedlecka, Jacek Katzer Wioletta Raczkiewicz, Artur Wójcicki - Damage to the balcony slab as a result of failure to follow design recommendations
Machi Zawidzki, Ela Zawidzka, Jacek Katzer - Shelter-Z - a Modular System for Free-Form Backyard Bunkers
Tomasz Maleska, Damian Beben, Piotr Bobra, Bronisław Jędraszak - Experimental tests of a soil-steel culvert with a extremely low soil cover
Jerzy Sendkowski - Geotechnical conditions of foundations design
10:00 - 10:30
Coffee Break
10:30 - 11:15
8th Session. Steel Structures
Chairpersons: Urszula Radoń, Piotr Tauzowski Karol Kołat, Mariusz Maślak, Michał Pazdanowski, Paulina Zajdel - Mounting of photovoltaic island supporting structure on transverse frames of a steel hall
Rafał Piotrowski, Andrzej Szychowski - Experimental determination of the critical load for a transversely bent built-up member
Monika Siedlecka - Initial stress system in particular kind of closely spaced built-up members
11:15 - 11:45
Coffee break
11:45 - 12:45
9th Session. Materials & Technology
Chairpersons: Urszula Radoń, Rafał Piotrowski Anna Kotwa - Research on the possibility of using waste products in the form of dust and glass flour in mortars made of Portland cement
Janusz Kobaka, Jacek Katzer, Izabela Świca, Tomasz Szatkiewicz, Karol Seweryn - Magnetic treatment of regolith for lunar construction materials applications
Adam Kłak, Madalena Wojnowska - Heciak, Jakub Heciak, Grzegorz Mazurek, Paulina Kostrzewa – Demczuk - A new concept for performative sidewalk design
Joanna Gil-Mastalerczyk, Kinga Kraska - Spatial transformation of the contemporary city of Kielce - in the context of the dynamics of development processes, shaping its image and territorial identity