Nuno Lopes is Associate Professor at the Civil Engineering Department of the University of Aveiro, where he competed his first degree and European PhD and has been lecturing subjects in the field of structures.
His research has been focusing on the behaviour of steel structures under fire conditions, where it can be highlighted the development of design proposals for steel and stainless steel members in case of fire for incorporation into European Standards (Eurocodes). He has been involved in different research projects, being author and co-author of a significant number of publications on International and National journals and conferences.
Being a Civil Engineering and Specialist in Structures by the National engineers association “Ordem dos Engenheiros”, he has been participating in the Portuguese Technical Commissions for standardization CT115 – Eurocodes (SC3 – steel structures, SC4 – composite steel concrete structures and GTH – horizontal group on fire), CT182 – Execution of metallic structures and CT46 – fire safety in buildings. He is the Technical Director of the Laboratory of Structures and Fire Resistance of the University of Aveiro, where collaborates on consultancy on fire design projects of large structures (e.g. Bridges, Shopping centres, Multi-use Halls, Parking facilities, Airport Terminals and Hospitals), and on projects for the development of cold-formed steel profiles and of fire resistant construction products (undertaking fire resistance tests).
He has also been holding different management positions at the University of Aveiro, such as the Head of the Civil Engineering Department (2015-2020), being currently the president of the board of UNAVE – Association for Professional Training and Research at the University of Aveiro. Finally, it is also referred that he is the Director of the journal Metálica (from the Portuguese Association of Metallic and Composite Construction – CMM).